Tuesday Snapshot – Berlin Oberbaum Bridge
For this Tuesday snapshot I was inspired by Mariella’s post – Oberbaumbrücke in Berlin, Germany. I totally agree with Mariella, a Berlin theme fits wonderfully this week,
Tuesday Snapshot – Isla Ometepe
My journey through Central America is associated with countless great moments and experiences. For me, Guatemala in particular is one of the most amazing countries I have traveled
Sony RX100 and the winter wonderland
The camera is, so to speak, my best friend on trips and excursions. In addition to a really great DSLR Canon D600, I always have a compact camera in my handbag. Now you might ask y
Snapshot – Madonna del Sasso
I LOVE Ticino and when I’ve had enough of the grey winter everyday life, I go to the sunshine of Switzerland for a short break. Although I have strolled along Locarno’s
Nyon snapshot
When I’m not traveling abroad, I love to discover Switzerland. The great thing about Switzerland is that we are relatively small and most places are very well connected to pu
Innsbruck by Night
Also in Innsbruck we did not miss the opportunity to stroll through the city at night after the delicious dinner in the Ottoburg. It’s just great how the night lighting shows
Snapshot – Best viewpoint in Milan
Has it ever happened to you that you have visited a place that you have only ever heard bad things about before (through the media, friends, etc.)? Something like this has happened
Place du Carrousel in golden light
Just a short Saturday post, because I’m already in the middle of a moving stress at the moment… When we were walking through the city without a destination after dinner
Indian Summer Flashback Switzerland
October is already over and because of all the gray November dreariness I almost forgot what great, colorful autumn days I experienced. In Switzerland, you can also experience grea
Charming skyline – La Petite France
Since the weather in Switzerland was absolutely great this weekend, I didn’t feel like spending much time in front of the computer and decided to sweeten Monday for you with
London’s new site
Modern architecture is one of those things, it stands out, it causes discussions, and it suits you, or it doesn’t suit you. London has some extreme examples to offer in this
The white Paris including burgers
Paris has so many beautiful corners, almost every walk becomes a highlight. But one of my favorite neighborhoods is definitely Paris Montmartre, where strolling is particularly fun