
The world begins on your doorstep

TRAVELITA is a Swiss travel blog with a focus on outdoor activities, city trips and enjoyable weekend getaways. Anita – the creative mind behind TRAVELITA – has always had a wide range of interests and this is also reflected in her everyday travelling: be it crossing Bolivia and Peru for a month by bus and backpack, exploring Oman off-road as a self-driver, looking for whales on Hawaii’s beaches, spending the weekends in the cultural cities of Europe, relaxing on an alp, or travel across Switzerland to discover the most beautiful spot – Anita is constantly curious and enthusiastic and captures her travel experiences with unique pictures.

Typically, Anita is accompanied and supported on her travels by her blog partner and photographer Nick. He gives everything for the best photo. We believe that a picture is worth a thousand words, which is why meaningful photos are an important part of our reports.


Who reads TRAVELITA?

According to Google Analytics, TRAVELITA has > 75,000 unique visitors and more than 150,000 page views per month. 95% of the readers are from German-speaking countries, of which around 80% are Swiss. The representative TRAVELITA readership is between 25 and 44 years old, female and particularly interested in active outdoor experiences.

What can a collaboration with TRAVELITA look like?

If you are looking for interesting content for the blog, we are excited about suitable travel cooperations. Our focus is on the preparation of travel reports and — on a commissioned basis — the production of text and photo material for tourism service providers. My travel-loving readers appreciate our individual experience reports with high-quality pictures and my live updates on the go via social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

Do you have an idea for cooperation, would you like more information, or do you have any questions? Contact me at I will be happy to provide you with our current media kit on request.

Please do not send me press releases without being asked! My blog thrives on authentically told stories and experiences. I don’t recommend companies and service providers that I haven’t personally experienced.

Anita is a member of the Swiss Travel Communicators and the Professional Travel Blogger Association. She is also a partner photographer with her blog partner Nick for Keystone. The following companies have cooperated with TRAVELITA, among others: