[News] that runs on Travelita
There is currently a lot going on online and offline and since I have recently received more and more mails with questions about travel tips and photography, today I give you an insight into the Travelita world.
The attentive reader has already noticed – new features have been added to Travelita in the last few weeks. On the one hand, I finally realized a travel map. On other sites, I am magically attracted by the travel maps and much prefer to browse through the travel reports there instead of clicking through the categories. Finally, my travel map has made it from the to-do list to the blog. The focus on Switzerland is striking. I want to dedicate a subpage to this one at some point, so that you can search all my hiking and winter sports reports according to your geographical preferences.
Brand new is the photo portfolio. In the last year, we have had an increasing number of inquiries as to whether our photos can be purchased for commercial purposes. Yes, this is possible. In order to place this better and more succinctly, we have created the portfolio. There you will find an overview of our work in the field of hotel, food and landscape photography.
Upcoming Lecture
I’m pretty nervous when I think about next Friday. As part of the opening event of the St. Gallen Holiday Fair, I have the honour of giving a lecture on the topic of “How a blogger travels”. At first, I thought that I was actually travelling “normally”. After chasing my sister across Rome for a weekend, I see things a little differently. My travel habits have changed with the blog. I am much more aware of the destination, invest a lot of time in research and want to see as much as possible on site in a short time.
I would be happy to see one or the other of you in St. Gallen. On Saturday, February 13, at 4:40 p.m., the public lecture will take place in the trade fair cinema.
Fotoequipment Update
Judging by the number of blog comments and Facebook messages, you are very interested in my photo equipment. In the summer, after the purchase of the Sony Alpha 7R II, there was already a glimpse into the camera bag. In the meantime, three new lenses have been added. A 90mm (Sony FE 90mm/f2.8) as well as two fast wide-angle lenses (this one specific for our next trip). We are currently shooting in parallel with Canon and Sony. That’s not 100% optimal, but for various projects we need two cameras and I didn’t have the heart to replace the Canon with a second Sony Alpha 7R II.
With the new wide-angle lenses, we took test pictures last Friday in Zurich and Laufenburg. So far satisfactory. Hopefully, they will then really be used in Northern Lights photography in Lapland.
p.s. to the policemen among you. The following links are completely banal links to the shops where we bought the lenses – there is no affiliate program behind them. Indian word of honor.
p.p.s Thanks to some image stealers (more on that in a separate blog post), the lens investments are more or less self-sustaining.
Canon 5d mkIII with Sigma 20mm/f1.4
Sony Alpha 7R II with Samyang 14mm/f2.8 (bought here)
Next trip
We do this really consistently with the winter and that’s why we end up in the far north at the end of February. Status: Huge anticipation! The route planning is in place. Flight, car rental and accommodation are booked. The rest is still open – tips are welcome!
Travel-free weekends also have their good sides. This is the perfect way to combine a day trip to the mountains with testing a new neighbourhood pub. On Sunday, we took a close look at The Artisan “Kitchen and Urban Garden” in Wipkingen. Conclusion: Exciting menu, successful interior, good burgers. There is room for improvement in terms of service. The veggie burger cost 25 CHF. The burger with Angus beef 27 CHF. And for digestion, we tested the qualities of the Sigma 20mm/f1.4 in the dark at the woad above.
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