Gorge Alpine Abenteuer Saas-Fee

Day trip to Saas-Fee: via ferrata adventure Gorge Alpine

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4 years have passed since our last trip to Saas-Fee. At that time, we tackled our first four-thousand-metre peak – and made it to the summit of the Allalinhorn despite the capricious weather. So it’s high time to take another day trip to Saas-Fee and master another challenge there: the adventurous via ferrata through the Gorge Alpine!

Snack stop with a view of the glacier

Surrounded by 18 four-thousand-metre peaks, the Saas-Fee region is a paradise for high alpine tours and challenging hikes. However, adventurous scrambling is not necessarily required to immerse yourself in the magnificent mountain world. After our early morning journey via Visp by post bus to the car-free mountain village, we march straight to the Spielbodenbahn. The modern, spacious gondola cabins have been in use since the 2016/2017 winter season and transport us to the Spielboden mountain station in no time at all. Here you have a good chance of spotting cute marmots.

But we want to go even higher this morning and change to the Spielboden-Längfluh cable car. 400 metres further up, we are greeted by a phenomenal panorama over the Fairy Glacier towards the Allalinhorn. “Today would be a good day to tackle the four-thousand-metre peak,” I think, regretting having left my binoculars at home. So it remains a mystery how many rope teams fight their way through the snow- and ice-covered flanks of the Allalinhorn to the summit.

Saas Fee Gletscherlandschaft
Saas Fee Feegletscher
Saas Fee Allalinhorn

The detour to the Längfluh is worth it not only because of the view, but also because of the casual sun terrace at the Längfluh mountain hut. We order a piece of apricot and plum cake and would be really relaxed if it weren’t for the upcoming detour to the Gorge Alpine that makes our stomachs rumble slightly.

Saas Fee Panorama

Panoramawanderung Hannigalp

After the detour to the Längfluh, we still have enough time to admire the panorama around Saas-Fee from a different perspective. We walk from the Spielbodenbahn back to the center and take the Hannigbahn uphill. With a 5.5-kilometre-long scooter route, a large playground and easy hiking routes, Hannigalp is popular with families and pleasure hikers.

We follow the signpost downhill towards Saas-Fee. For the distance of around 3.5 kilometres back to the village centre of Saas-Fee, about an hour of hiking time is to be expected – but plan at least an hour more. The path leads directly past the sympathetic Alpenblick restaurant, which offers the perfect location for a lunch break with its sun terrace high above Saas-Fee.

Saas Fee Hannigalp
Hannigalp Wandern
Saas Fee Hannigalp Aussicht
Saas Fee Wandern
Saas Fee Alpenblick Beiz
Hannigalp Saas Fee talwärts

Test of courage in the Gorge Alpine

Well strengthened, we arrive shortly before 2:00 p.m. at the Saas-Fee post office. Mountain guide Lutz from Active Dreams is already waiting for us there with helmet and via ferrata set. The accompaniment of a mountain guide is mandatory on the 4-kilometre-long via ferrata through the Fee Gorge between Saas-Fee and Saas-Grund – in addition to suspension bridges, ladders and steel cables, the gorge also offers some fast-paced tyrolienne, which can be life-threatening without knowledge of the correct hand movements for belaying. Either way, as a via ferrata newbie, I’m glad that Lutz will guide us through the pitfalls of the gorge today. And secretly, at that moment, I ask myself: “How did I come up with the idea of going to the Gorge Alpine… » But at least I said in 2014 that you should face your fears. And that’s exactly what I’m doing today.

The Gorge Alpine is divided into two parts. The upper section resembles a classic via ferrata in terms of elements. The lower section starts at the Zelli bridge and includes several tyroliennes as well as an abseiling section.

Of course, I clicked through umpteen pages in advance and tried to find out how difficult the via ferrata through the Feeschlucht is effectively. From “easy” to “for ambitious climbers”, the entire range can be found online and left me perplexed. “Will I be able to meet this challenge?” Fortunately, I am aware of where the problem lies for me on via ferratas: in my head. And with the mantra “it’s all a matter of the head”, I follow Lutz through the tower of the restaurant La Gorge into the gorge. The first few meters start harmlessly. But soon I shimmy over narrow beams along the rugged rock flanks and hear nothing more than the ice water roaring below me. I bravely work my way forward step by step and am very proud when we successfully mastered the first part (and without drama on my part) after just under an hour. Conclusion: As long as you have a head for heights, the upper part does not contain any particularly tricky parts and is also doable for beginners.

Gorge Alpine Klettersteig
Gorge Alpine Saas-Fee
Gorge Alpine Klettersteig Saas-Fee
Saas Fee Schlucht

The second part worries me less, because funnily enough I have much less trouble with Tyroliennes than with wobbly narrow wooden beams. The only thing I have to give myself a jolt is the Tarzan jump – but thanks to teamwork, it works right away.

Gorge Alpine
Saas Fee Gorge Alpine Tyrolienne
Klettersteig Saas Fee
Hängebrücke Saas Fee

After a little more than two hours we reach the end of the Fee Gorge in Saas-Grund. In my upper arms and thighs, a nasty muscle soreness is already announced. Apart from that, I’m mega proud of myself! I jumped over my shadow and did a longer via ferrata for the first time. And guess what: It was a lot of fun!

The end of the Gorge Alpine is close to Saas Grund. From here you can either walk back to Saas-Fee on the hiking trail (approx. 45 minutes) or take the post bus down the valley towards Visp.

Practical tips for a trip to Saas-Fee and the Gorge Alpine

  • Saas-Fee can be reached by post bus in 50 minutes from Visp.
  • Saas-Fee is car-free. The central, large car park is located at the entrance to the village.
  • If you stay overnight in Saas-Fee, you can use the mountain railways free of charge with the Citizens’ Pass. On a day trip, you pay for each cable car individually. The return trip to Saas-Fee Längfluh costs 52 CHF for adults, the ascent to Saas-Fee Hannig costs 25 CHF. With GA/Half-Fare travelcard, the price is reduced by half. You can find more information about the ticket prices and timetables of the mountain railways on the Saas-Fee website.
  • The Gorge Alpine can be divided into two parts. The time required to walk through the entire gorge is about three hours.
  • We did the tour through the Gorge Alpine with a mountain guide from Active Dreams. The price for the accompanied crossing is between 80 and 110 CHF per person including via ferrata set and helmet.
  • The lower part of the via ferrata is open all year round and can also be climbed with a mountain guide in winter.
  • Depending on the season and weather, the detour to Saas-Fee can also be combined with a stop at the Brigerbad – the muscles tense after the Gorge Alpine are guaranteed to please.

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If you travel to Saas-Fee by car, we recommend the car transport between Kandersteg and Goppenstein. You can buy the ticket online in advance. The cost of loading is CHF 25 during the week and CHF 28 on weekends for online purchases All further information can be found here: BLS Car Transport


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