Vienna in 24 hours

8.00 Breakfast

A day in Vienna starts with a good breakfast, right? From Monday to Saturday, the Naschmarkt offers one of the most extensive culinary choices. We enjoyed a breakfast in the cult restaurant Neni – for me there was an Oriental Breakfast with really delicious humus, Ful with tomato salsa, lots of garlic and pita bread. By the way, for the traditionalists among you, Neni also offers ordinary jams – breakfast and French toast.


10.00 a.m

After a hearty breakfast, a light sporting activity is just right… Although I usually like to walk, we wanted to try out the city bike system in Vienna. At over 100 rental stations, you can easily rent a bike after registering using credit card details. If you “dock” your bike back at a station in less than an hour, the fun is even free. Tip: take your bike lock with you from home, then you can put the bikes somewhere in between. You are not allowed to cycle through certain parks, such as around the Belvedere.

We cycled past the Hundertwasser House to the Prater, where it was still quiet at this early hour of the morning. Sure, we had to go high and bought tickets for the Ferris wheel tour. Since 1897, this cult object has shaped the cityscape around the Praterstern. The 9 euros for ticket were absolutely right investment in this sunny weather – the view over Vienna is impressive.








12.00 Coffee break

Coffee break? Of course! One of the classics is Café Central. We had to queue for a short time, but after about 15 minutes we got a seat for two people. But my lemon cake and the “Kaffee Central” were worth the wait. I was also told that the apple strudel is also very tasty.


14.00 Royal Affairs

There are countless things to discover around the Hofburg. It is worth taking a look at the Augustinian Church. By the way, the wedding of Franz Joseph and Sisi took place there. Then stroll past the stables of the Lipizzaner horses via Heldenplatz to Maria-Theresien-Platz, which is located between the two twin buildings – the Natural History Museum and the Kunsthistorisches Museum.




16.00 Shopping

Stroll through Kärntener Strasse and be sure to take a look at the H&M, which is located in a beautiful old building. The Kärntener Strasse leads to Stephansplatz, where the striking St. Stephen’s Cathedral with its colorful huge stained glass windows is located.


18.00 Dinieren

Now it’s time for a real refreshment! Despite the rather inattentive service (to put it nicely), I found the secluded summer terrace in the Glacis Beisl great. The restaurant is located just behind the Mumok in the Museums Quartier and the menu features delicious dishes cooked from seasonal ingredients and local suppliers. If the weather is nice and you don’t have a reservation, you should eat as early as possible, as most seats are reserved from 7:00 p.m. onwards.



20.00 Culture Time

There are endless cultural events in Vienna. We wanted to see La Traviata in the classical way at the opera. To get hold of cheap standing room tickets (3 Euros), you have to stand in the long queue in front of the box office. The tickets are super cheap, but they have their pitfalls: The seats are not numbered and most people reserve “their” seat by depositing jackets or program booklets. So the first thing you should do is take care of the “square fight” and then admire the entrance hall and all the pomp. We did it the other way around and unfortunately during the first two acts we only heard the music and saw little to nothing.

There was a break before the third act and many had probably already had enough, because the seats were thinning. Patience is rewarded and I was able to enjoy the third act visually.




22.00 Good night

For some, this is just the beginning of the day. I, however, was looking forward to my warm bed and sweet dreams.

And what do you think should be included in a 24-hour program for Vienna?

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