10 Instagram accounts that will brighten up your feed
At the moment everything is still set for winter and be warned, this will continue for at least another month. February is densely packed with travel (by the way, there will be a mega update soon, I can hardly keep my mouth shut and sit still…) and all of them lead me into the snow. Sorry, I hope you can stand my winter pictures for a while. At least virtually, I also dream myself of other exotic places in between. This is ensured by all the fantastic Instagrammers out there who provide me with beautiful pictures every day. If you haven’t subscribed to the following accounts yet, change them as soon as possible! Pure inspiration.
Outdoor images tagged with #modernoutdoorsman are featured on @modernoutdoorsman. I secretly hope that one of my pictures will make it one day, but until then there is a lot to discover here.
@tinyatlasquarterly is the Instagram account of a travel magazine from sunny California. Pictures are shown across all countries, landscapes and hideaways.
A Dutch woman in Switzerland – Flatland meets mountains – Nordic flair for design meets Swiss architecture. @idraganski’s feed is always good for a surprise.
If your own mom sends you a blog recommendation via WhatsApp, there must be something to it. @kathrinkuisine not only presents recipes on her blog, where my mouth is watering just looking at the pictures, but also shows beautiful photos on her Instagram account.
Beautiful pictures of Finland shows @eevamakinen
I’ve never been to Australia but thanks to @lefabuleuxdestin I know at least that the area around Melbourne is fantastically beautiful.
Jana von @sonneundwolken has swapped Germany for South America for three months. At the moment she is touring Brazil, a country that is also high on my bucket list. I already have my personal Brazil expert in my family. My little brother has been making Sao Paulo unsafe as an exchange student and intern for over half a year.
At @watchmesee there are currently pictures from Iceland and otherwise many impressions from Glasgow. Over New Year’s Eve, we didn’t spend much more than half an afternoon in Glasgow. Thanks to Kathi, I discover a new spot in the city on Instagram every now and then.
July of @heimatpottential has cult status and puts you in a good mood. As simple as that.
I rarely read in-depth texts on Instagram. I make an exception for @lebenswertig. The beautiful winter pictures are wrapped in fragments of philisophical thoughts.
And which favorite Instagram accounts brighten up your feed every day with pictures from near and far? I’m looking forward to your tips and I’m looking forward to new inspiration :)
I’m co-hosting the #igTravelThursday blog project. Would you like to join us? Here’s how to do it: 1. Write a blog post about Instagram and travel – 2. Add a link to one of the #igTravelThursday hosts – 3. Add your blog post above (articles written up to and including February 28, 2015) – You can find more information on the IGTravelThursday explanation page.
Are you active on Instagram? Tag your travel photos every Thursday with the hashtag #igTravelThursday and become part of the project. You can find me on Instagram here: travelita
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