Ghent in the Sunday Groove
Sweet scents float in the air. The brass band plays a racy march, next to us a couple of friends toast with champagne and one table further on, oysters are audibly slurped. The normal Sunday madness at the Kouter flower market in the centre of Ghent. Oh yes, it has flowers too, en masse even. We stroll from stall to stall and can hardly believe the prices at which you can get the most beautiful bouquets here. Floral splendour par excellence! It’s a shame that we don’t have this wonderful tradition. Although, maybe that’s a good thing. Otherwise, I would probably go on a flower-buying spree every Sunday and have a collection of plants at home that would rival any botanical garden. But for the moment we let ourselves be inspired by the wonderful atmosphere and enjoy a glass of white wine at the Blue Kiosk after a tour of the market. After all, tradition is tradition.
The market takes place from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is guaranteed to put you in a good mood. In any case, the hustle and bustle put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.
With the sweet scent of flowers in our noses, we make our way to another magical place. We want to take a look at the Small Beguinage Ter Hoye. The Flemish beguinages have been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. From the 12th century onwards, beguinages were the typical residential area of the beguines – a community that led a Christian devotional life without monastic vows. What is outstanding about the beguinages is their structure around an inner courtyard and their appearance as an architectural ensemble.
The Little Beguinage is located near the Vijfwindgatenstraat tram and bus stop. No sooner have we passed through the archway in the wall than we find ourselves in another world. Street noise and hustle and bustle do not penetrate here. The huge courtyard forms a green oasis with mighty, old trees. The houses are lined up all around. Today, it is home to families, artists, alternative – a colourful crowd of “modern” city dwellers. I’m a bit jealous. Who wouldn’t want to live in one of these cottages around the courtyard and spend Sunday with a book on the bench under the old trees?
The second Ghent beguinage, which has also been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, is located just outside the city, near the Schoolstraat stop.
Note: My visit to Ghent was supported by Tourism Flanders. Thank you very much for this! As always, my readers can be sure that I always represent my views and enthusiasm.
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