Hello Valldemossa! – A bucket list spot

The decision to spend three nights in Valldemossa was made relatively spontaneously and mainly because of a hotel tip I received on Twitter. Otherwise, I would hardly have paid the same attention to the picturesque town in the hilly northwest of Mallorca. Many travellers to Mallorca only stop briefly in Valldemossa on their way through. Way too short! The village unfolds its charm especially in the quieter evening and morning hours and is a great starting point for hiking trips in the Serra de Tramuntana. So there is much more to see and experience than the view into cells 2 and 4 of the Carthusian monastery, where Fréderic Chopin and his partner Georg Sand spent a winter. It was here that he composed the “Raindrop Prélude” and made the village world-famous.

Serpentines at dawn

Shortly before seven o’clock we make our way to the Port de Valldemossa, which is almost 7 kilometers away. Quasi the counterpart located on the coast. After the first hairpin bend at the latest, I’m wide awake. The short drive demands my full concentration, because crossing is only possible at passing points and some curves can only be mastered with millimetre work, even without oncoming traffic. Fortunately, hardly any vehicle comes towards us at this early hour. We want to capture the morning atmosphere at the quiet bay. With the soft pink sky and the surf on the pebble beach, the perfect start to the day.

Coastal Balearic Islands

How to get to Port-de-Valldemossa




Home is where the heart is – Hotel in Valdemossa

The hotel tip Ca’s Papa was a direct hit. This boutique hotel is centrally located in the romantic, car-free streets of Valldemossa. The interior looks a bit like you’ve taken Pinterest home. Pastel-coloured walls and furniture, inspirational sayings on the walls and on the cushions and cosy seating areas behind large windows. Simply wonderfully cozy. In our room on the second floor there was also the phenomenal view over the village for free.

After we return to the coast from our early morning excursion, we enjoy a delicious breakfast with cheese, meat, olives and tomatoes from the region.

If you arrive by car, you have to park in one of the public parking lots, because only locals are allowed to drive into the narrow streets. But Ca’s Papa offers free parking tickets (and it’s not really expensive either, about 2.50 euros for a day). Room rates start at around 120 euros per night including breakfast.






Stroll through the narrow streets of Valldemossa

The real highlight of Valldemossa are the many narrow streets that wind between the rows of houses. Unfortunately, the question of whether people commit themselves to beautifying the entrance to the house with plants when they move in remained unanswered. Nevertheless, it should be noted that some residents seem to have a green thumb here. During the day, the hustle and bustle of invading day tourists can spoil the flair of Valldemossa. But in the off-peak hours, the village unfolds its idyllic ambience in the most beautiful splendor. There is a great postcard view of the village from the entrance to the Hotel Son Escanelles. You can’t not fall in love with the sight of the silhouettes of the stone houses nestled close together, softly lit by the sunset, can you?









Tapas degustieren

As soon as the last ray of sunshine has left behind the hills, Valldemossa turns back into a sleepy nest. At least at the start of the season in April. Not all restaurants are open until late in the evening in the Spanish manner. To toast the last rays of sunshine, it’s worth grabbing a spot on the terrace of the Casa de Sa Miranda (Plaça Miranda des Lladoners). The tapas are top class!



Small but nice is Es Roquissar (Plaça de Cartoixa). We almost missed it in the dark, as there is no sign to indicate that a restaurant is hiding behind the inconspicuous door. The ambience is cozy and the young team serves an interesting mix of Peruvian-Spanish cuisine.



Our journey continues tomorrow to Menorca! Also a first for me. Who of you has traveled to Mallorca’s little sister and has one or two tips? Muchas Gracias!

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