My triumph in Windermere
You won the battle for the table my love
I overtook the strolling couple by a nose on the last few meters – unaware that they were aiming for the same goal – and can hardly believe my luck. I mean, when two parties are entering at the same time, one of them in pairs, which restaurant prefers the individual? And then congratulate so charmingly on the “won” seat?
I had already spotted the restaurant Wild & Co through the bus window on the way to Bowness-on-Windermere and you can believe me – I have an unerring eye for taste. The chic (and mostly expensive) things literally catch my eye, and once I’ve discovered something great, I really want to go there. After a rather average trip to the Lake District, Wild & Co was my lifeline. Or rather, reason enough to justify the five-hour train ride from Liverpool to Windermere and back as a day trip.
I ordered a Luscombe Organic Drink Wild Elderflower Bubbly and Hot Ginger Beer (I couldn’t decide) and Mrs Kirkham’s Cheese Scone with today’s soup, an apple & more Lancashire cheese for £6.95 and then floated in seventh heaven. Seriously, where can you get such a simple, delicious lunch?

a nose full of Lake Distric
“Seeing as much of England as possible” is what I had planned for my week in Liverpool. After an extremely eventful day trip to Wales, the choice for the second day trip fell on the Lake District. But this time not organized, but alone with public transport. In retrospect, admittedly, it was a crazy idea.
The national park covers an area of around 2,000km2 and the most beautiful part of the lake and mountain landscape is in the Cumbria Mountains. On this day I only caught a tiny impression of the largest natural lake in England, the Windermere. I soon had to discard the idea of going on an extensive hike along the lake. Because by the time I had reached a reasonable access to the hiking trail along the lakeshore, half the day was already over. Here it would definitely be an advantage if you are either on the road with a wheeled vehicle, or if you have enough time. Unfortunately, I missed both and so after a short walk, followed by a stroll through the two villages of Windermere and Bowness-on-Windermere including stops in cute shops and the culinary stop at Wild & Co, I was already back on the train to Liverpool. At least through the train window I got the full dose of English landscape idyll on the way.
My conclusion of the day was, on the one hand, that I will return to the area at some point with more time in my luggage and that the city of York would have been better suited as a day trip from Liverpool. Well.

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