Travel snapshot – oh you beautiful Naples Pier

Unexpectedly, the Florida wanderlust attacks me in between. Today it’s that time again and since I have about 1oo photos of the sunset at Naples Pier on my hard drive (and I can’t delete any of them because they are all beautiful), I dedicate this travel snapshot to the Naples Pier. Now it’s like this, in the travel snapshot I allow myself two pictures. Since I find it a bit difficult to choose with 100 photos and rules always have an exception, this would now be the exception :).

Naples is Florida’s city of millionaires and is located on the Gulf Coast. In addition to many pretty villa quarters and shopping streets, the 300 m long and listed Fishing Pier is the city’s landmark. Half the city makes a pilgrimage to the beach in the evening to marvel at the sunset spectacle on or next to the pier. Yes, it’s worth a stop in Naples!







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