Zugersee und Rigi

Spring Hike by Lake Zug – Cherry Blossom Trail and Chestnut Groves

Spring has been kind to us this year. So, we took advantage of the sunny weekend for a spontaneous family outing to Lake Zug—a region that’s perfect for a spring hike. Along with my parents, I wanted to walk a section along the eastern shore of Lake Zug. Until now, I had only seen this area from a train window. It was time to explore the stretch between Zug and the railway junction at Arth-Goldau on foot.

From Walchwil to Arth-Goldau

From Zug, a hiking trail leads via Walchwilerberg in five hours to Arth-Goldau, connecting the traditional cherry and chestnut tree cultures. Not only the blooming cherry trees but also the fantastic view of Lake Zug are a feast for the eyes. We decided to skip the first section from Zug via Oberwil (where the best table cherries thrive) to Walchwil and aimed to start our spring hike from Walchwil instead. This reduced our hiking time by half, which seemed sufficient for a relaxed Sunday outing.

From Walchwil station, we first needed to gain some elevation. Instead of going straight up the hill behind the station, we followed the hiking trail sign towards Oberdorf. This oversight resulted in an unintended extra loop—manageable. Shortly after passing Äsch/Obergaden, we left the residential areas behind. The trail climbed several more meters to Oberutenberg. Here at Walchwilerberg, idyllic peace prevails. Typical central Swiss houses, lush green pastures, blooming cherry trees, mighty chestnut trees, and a smooth, mirror-like Lake Zug. We couldn’t get enough of the intense spring colors.

Walchwil Church

Cherry Chestnut Hike Lake Zug

Zugerberg Frühlingsgrün


Zugeberg Walchwil

Walchwil Zugersee

Kirschblüte Kanton Zug

Wanderung Walchwil Arth

Egg Zugerberg Aussicht

Sagenmatteli Zugersee

Arth Zugersee

Flowering time in the Arther cherry orchard

Normally, the high-trunk cherry trees in the cantons of Zug and Schwyz bloom from mid-April to early June. This year, however, the vegetation is about one to two weeks ahead due to the warm spring days. And so we admire the “Arther Kirschgarten”, as the area between Arth and Goldau is called due to its numerous cherry trees, in full bloom. A described circular hike of about 1.5 hours leads through the Arther cherry orchard, which leads past interesting farms with farm shops. Unfortunately, the path is not specially signposted and the map leaves a lot of room for interpretation. But once you have found the first farm, you can find your way around. At least that’s what happened to us. If you follow the hiking trail through the Arther cherry orchard, you will also pass the village center of Arth with its striking baroque parish church. There it is worth taking a short detour to the Arth am See boat station. Right next to it is the Gartenlaube restaurant with a sun terrace directly on the lakeshore. If you want to be sure of a place, it’s best to reserve a table in advance. We were lucky and got the last free table. Delicacies from the region are served and of course the dessert menu includes the original Zuger Kirschtorte. The perfect end to a magnificent spring hike through Chriesiland.

Kanton Zug Wanderwege

Arther Kirschgarten Blüte

Arther Kirschgarten

Birnenbaum in Blüte

Frühling Arth-Goldau

Löwenzahn Detailaufnahme

Bluescht Zentralschweiz

Zugersee Arth

Restaurant Gartenlaube Arth am See

Spring hike on Lake Zug: Tips for the hike

  • Hiking time Walchwil – Arth-Goldau train station, about 2.5 hours (pure walking time). The hiking trail runs mostly on paved paths.
  • Walchwil can be reached regularly by bus (No. 5) or train. The journey from Zurich main station to Walchwil, takes 40 minutes.
  • You can find more information about the Zug-Oberwil-Walchwil-Arth-Goldau hike and the Arther Kirschgarten on the information page of Zug Tourism (incl. link to the hiking map).
  • Zug Tourism provides information via blossom telephone whether and where the cherry trees are blooming (you can also find the telephone number on the linked information page)
  • It is worthwhile to combine a detour to Lake Zug with a stroll through the old town of Zug
  • If you would like to learn more about the Zuger Kirschtorte, visit the Cherry Cake Museum
  • Also stunning is the moraine landscape around Menzingen (on the other side of the Zugerberg)

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