15 travel ideas for 2015

At the end of 2013 I presented you with 14 travel ideas for 2014 here on the blog. A mixture of countries, individual cities and local destinations here in Switzerland. I conclude my 2014 with a trip to number 4 on the list – Scotland. In total, I visited 10 of the 14 destinations. But I didn’t always do exactly what I had originally imagined.

And since I already have a thousand travel ideas buzzing through my head for 2015, but nothing is fixed yet, there is a colorful mix of travel ideas for the new year again this year. The attentive reader may notice that I didn’t include destinations outside of Europe on the list last year or this year. Why? Because there are already enough travel sites that focus on trendy destinations in the distance.

1. Prague – falling in love with the city either in spring or in the run-up to Christmas…

2. Val d’Annivers – explore the quaint Valais side valley and take a thousand photos of sun-tanned granaries

A photo posted by João (@jfobranco) on

3. Dresden – because the 60 tips from Moose around the world make you want to visit the city so much

A photo posted by @katrin_p_01 on

4. Sylt – The flat landscape of the North Sea coast has already enchanted me on the Halligen. But now let’s go to the island!

A photo posted by Lea Hajner (@esctown) on

5. Poland – The travel blogger visited Krakow as one of many tourists this year – I dream of a road trip through Poland

6. Balearic Islands – How about island hopping between Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza? In spring, when everything is in full bloom…

A photo posted by Mela (@morgenmuffelin) on

7. Jura – Take a covered wagon through the open fir forests and stroll through St. Ursanne. Quelle bonne idée!

A photo posted by pH (@ein_blicke) on

8. Bosco Gurin – You can’t get more picturesque than this Walser village in the canton of Ticino, can you?

A photo posted by jepierobon (@jepierobon) on

9. Ligurian Coast – From Genoa to Portofino to Portovenere, there is a lot to discover here.

A photo posted by Martina (@kitkat_ch) on

Brittany – The Brittany reports from Sun & Clouds definitely made me want to travel. Pure diversity.

11. Albrun Pass – Hike from the Binn Valley over the Albrun Pass through beautiful mountain scenery to the Italian Alpe Devero

A photo posted by Gabriele Beltrami (@gabri.bx) on Nov 11

12. Glorenza – Drive over the Ofen Pass in a panoramic way to stroll along the border through Glorenza’s narrow streets.

13. Lai da Palpuogna – Mountain lakes are also part of the program in 2015. This one is my personal favorite.

By marcel ??? (@marub0) photo posted on

14. Granada – Marvel at the Alhambra and eat tapas. My blog article about Granada can be found here.

A photo posted by Nellie (@wildjunket) on

15. Wales… or Cornwall – what do you think? By the way, an article at Fernwehohsophie has awakened my wanderlust for this corner of Great Britain.

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