Beyond the horizon
Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road
Dag Hammarskjöld
Why do I travel? Why am I restlessly looking for the new? Why does wanderlust drive me away from the safe haven into stormy waters? I sometimes ask myself these questions shortly before departure, when the stress of packing tames the anticipation or somewhere on the road, where it is not so great for once and you miss the things at home.
But most of the time, the joy of discovery, curiosity and my irrepressible thirst for knowledge prevail – all this drives me into the unknown waters, away from home. I want to see what’s beyond the horizon. The horizon travels with me, changes, takes on new forms – but is always in front of me and shows that I haven’t seen everything yet, that there is still much more to discover. He is a forward driver, a leader and an old acquaintance, a friend and a stranger at the same time. Not once does he appear in the same robe. But the horizon is also patient – it doesn’t urge you to hurry, it’s always there and waiting, waiting, until I’m ready to take the next step into uncertainty.
Travelling broadens your horizons – yes, I am convinced of that and that’s why I travel!
And why do you travel?
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