Homberg Hochwacht

High above Lake Hallwil: easy autumn hike to the Homberg observation tower

It’s here again, the season when the line between brightly colored forests under a steel-blue sky and the dull gray of the blanket of high fog is a very narrow one. At 787 metres above sea level, the Homberg high above Lake Hallwil is not the highest peak in the canton of Aargau, but it is a particularly promising one. And one who often peeks out of the fog. In this article, we will show you how you can combine the trip to the Homberg with an entertaining panoramic hike.

Click here to go directly to the hiking map and the key data of the tour  

Excursion destinations in the Seetal

In addition to the Homberg, which towers high above the Seetal, there are other worthwhile excursion destinations in the valley landscape, which stretches across two cantons from Lenzburg to Emmen. The moated castle Hallwyl, for example, is probably well known. We have dedicated ourselves to the topic of Seetal’s castles and palaces in this hiking tip presented in 2019 and hiked from Lake Hallwil to Heidegg Castle. The Seetal is also a paradise for all those who like to travel by bike. In spring 2021, for example, we cycled on our “Kultour” following the “Herzschlaue Seetal” from Hochdorf in the south over the Lindenberg to Lenzburg.

The Seetal is easily accessible from Lenzburg and Lucerne with the S9. This means that many excursion destinations can be reached comfortably and environmentally friendly by train.

Our tip for the autumn season

This time we decided to go on a hike to the Homberg. Shortly before dusk, we take the train from Zurich to Lenzburg. The weather forecasts were mixed in advance and we were unsure whether the sun would show up at all. But the view from the train window makes us confident. Gentle ground fog wafts over the fields – behind them, the Central Swiss Alps can be seen in silhouette. After almost 45 minutes of driving, we reach the starting point of our hike: Boniswil at the northern end of Lake Hallwil.

Fog in Aargau

Here, the hiking trail signage guides us up the Pfaffenhalde to Leutwil. Soon the view down into the Seetal opens up and my heart jumps for joy; the autumn landscape resembles a watercolor painting this morning. Shades that blend smoothly into each other. First rays of sunshine making their way through the clouds moving away to the east and a beautiful mix of colors.

Aufstieg Boniswil nach Leutwil
Morgennebel im Seetal

We leave Leutwil behind us and follow the gravel path along the edge of the forest via Häfni and Berg towards Homberg. On the way, we watch the sun slowly assert itself against the clouds on the horizon. A really beautiful section, which is definitely not stingy with magnificent panoramic views over Lake Hallwil to the Alps.

Wanderung von Leutwil auf den Homberg
Herbstfärbung Seetal

The lookout tower on the Homberg

After a good 1.5 hours of walking, we pass the hamlet of “Ober Flügelberg”. This is where the Gasthof Homberg is located, whose sun terrace is well attended, especially on nice weekends. From here it is just under 10 minutes to the observation tower on the Hochwacht in front of the Homberg. The observation tower is accessible free of charge all year round. But you don’t necessarily have to climb up the observation tower, the view can also be enjoyed from the benches all around. I’m a bit sorry that we didn’t pack wood and marshmallows. The three barbecue areas make a very inviting impression.

Wanderung zum Homberg
Aussicht vom Homberg
Homberg Hochwacht Aussichtsturm

The descent from the Hochwacht to Beinwil takes another 40 minutes. This first leads over a tarred road and then “stabs” relatively steeply down the most direct path to Beinwil. The S9 also serves this station every half hour – if you are on your way back to Lenzburg/Zurich like we did, you should look for a seat on the right in the direction of travel. Here you can once again enjoy beautiful views of Lake Hallwil.

Wanderung vom Homberg nach Beinwil
Zugstrecke S9 Hallwilersee

Key data of the hike Boniswil – Homberg Hochwacht – Beinwil am See

On the following map you can see the route of our hike from Boniswil via Leutwil, Häfni and Berg to the Homberg (Hochwacht). The distance to the destination Beinwil am See is 8.3 kilometres and goes uphill from Boniswil to the Hochwacht about 350 metres in altitude. It is a yellow-marked hiking trail that is easy to walk (difficulty T1). The route leads along natural paths and there are occasional steps to overcome. For this reason, I would classify the entire length of the trail as not suitable for strollers (see practical tips for the stroller-friendly version).

Starting point Boniswil railway station (480 m above sea level)
Reachability Accessible by public transport (S9 from Lenzburg or Lucerne)
Length 8.3 kilometres
Elevation gain ↗ 356 m 317 m ↘
Duration 2:30 p.m.
Destination Beinwil am See railway station (520 m above sea level)
Catering Refreshment stops at the Gasthaus Homberg (closed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays) or barbecue at the Hochwacht (you have to bring your own wood)

Practical tips for your hike to the Homberg

  • You can reach the starting point of the hike – the Boniswil train station – every half hour with the S9 from Lenzburg or Lucerne.
  • The Homberg observation tower is open all year round and is accessible free of charge.
  • From Gasthaus Homberg, the path to the observation tower is also suitable for prams.
  • At the observation tower there are benches and three barbecue areas.
  • At Gasthaus Homberg there is a playground for children.

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