InstaTour – Adventure Norway

Of course, I don’t want to withhold part 2 of my Norway Instagram summary from you. In the next few weeks I will report here in more detail about the individual destinations and show the “right” pictures :).

After five magical fjord days, it was time for a change of scenery. When we arrived in Trondheim, the first thing we had to do was take care of the means of transport for the next few days. At the last minute we definitely decided that we should rent a car after all and I walked into a car rental station for the very first time without a reservation. After this pending matter was settled in a surprisingly uncomplicated way, we were able to enjoy a relaxing day in Trondheim, which quickly became my secret favorite Norwegian city. Forget Bergen, Trondheim is hipper and prettier!

The next day was all about the drama skills of yours truly. I had to drive a car again and after a hysterical fit I actually made it out of Trondheim (cursed are the one-way streets) and was able to calm down on the following 300 kilometers. We followed the E6 southwards and, after a short hiking stop in the Reinheimen National Park, reached Gjendesheim on the edge of the Jotunheimen National Park.

This milestone was the main reason for switching to the car. We were a week too early for the daily bus service from Otta. Gjendesheim is the starting point for the so-called “most popular hike” in Norway. But be careful, don’t be misled by the name like I am. My careless handling of the hiking planning almost ended in disaster the next day. 600 meters above the lake I was totally blocked on the 10m wide Besseggen Ridge. Luckily, the story ends with a happy ending.

After so much unwanted thrill, we took it easy on a spontaneous trip to the Rondane National Park. However, the fascinating, barren plateau does not require much action. Just looking at the surreal landscape with its thundering waterfalls feels like the greatest adventure.

The last stop we made was in tranquil Lillehammer, where we fell for the sweet temptations of Café Kakao thanks to a bombshell tip from local hero Satu.

Day 6 | Trondheim






Day 7 and 8 | Gjendesheim, Jotunheimen National Park






Train 9 | Rondane National Park




Day 10 | Lillehammer



Travel blogger colleague Nienke has put together great Instagram account recommendations for 13. I was very happy to have made it into the illustrious round. Do you know of any other “must-follow” travel accounts?

I’m co-hosting the #igTravelThursday blog project on German. Would you like to join us? Here’s how to do it: 1. Write a blog post about Instagram and travel – 2. Put a link to one of the #igTravelThursday hosts – 3. Add your blog post up here (please only articles from this week until 25.6) – You can find more information on the IGTravelThursday explanation page.

Are you active on Instagram? Tag your travel photos every Thursday with the hashtag #igTravelThursday and become part of the project. You can find me on Instagram here: travelita

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