Marrakech – Sights and travel tips for your city trip

Before you smash your hands over your heads and think “jesses, 24 hours are never enough to visit Marrakech” one thing in advance: Of course, 24 hours are not enough to experience all the facets of the secret capital of Morocco. And of course, you could spend a whole day in one of the countless souks. However, 24 hours are enough to get a first insight into the city, which – if you abstract the hustle and bustle of all road users – forms a compact city centre in which all the classic sights can be easily reached on foot.

Are you ready for a tour of the fascinating melting pot of Far Eastern and Western cultures and customs? Come on!

9.00 – Palace hopping in Marrakech

All the fairy tales about 1001 Nights have a kernel of truth. Even today, in addition to the royal palace, there are numerous magnificent buildings that remind us of the magnificent times.

Bahia Palace

One such magnificent building is the Bahia Palace with an impressive floor area of 8,000 m². The complex consists of over 160 rooms, countless patios and secluded riads. The attention to detail catches the eye at every turn. A very popular attraction that – if you are unlucky – you have to share with numerous tourist groups. (Entrance fee 10 DH)

Marrakech Bahia Palace

marrakech-bahia palace-3


El-Badi Palast

Far fewer tourists can be found in the El-Badi Palace. Although only ruins remain, the building, which was built by Sultan Ahmed el-Mansour, is an impressive place purely because of its enormous dimensions. By the way, numerous storks and their nests can also be observed here and there is the opportunity to marvel at the great view from one of the towers over the red sea of houses of the old town to the Atlas. (Entrance fee 10 DH)

Marrakesch Palais el Badi



Saadian Tombs

“Where do you want to go?”
“To the graves of the Saadians.”
“Oh, they’re having a siesta there. Why don’t you come with me to the Berber market?”

Well, if we had had enough time, we would have followed the young gentleman who supposedly wanted to buy argan oil for his mother at the Berber market. But since we didn’t have time for that, we headed for the mausoleum, where four sultans and their relatives from the 16th century rest, despite the siesta warning. What a surprise. The Saadian Tombs are open to tourists all the time. Nothing to do with siesta. Our conclusion: barely escaped a tourist trap.



11.00 – Through the medina of Marrakech

A high, red wall surrounds the medina, the old town of Marrakech. Peace and quiet is a rare commodity in here. If you move along the main streets, you will be accompanied at every turn by the rattling of mopeds. There’s also something else going on everywhere. Loudly shouting market traders, tourists, cyclists, loafy donkey carts, horse-drawn carriages – a colourful hustle and bustle. There’s only one thing that helps: get involved, don’t follow the street names (they’re usually wrong anyway) and explore the quieter side streets (and often end up in dead ends). In an emergency, there are always huge wall signs in between, which guide you in the direction of hotspots. Even though the winding alleys on the map are hard to classify at first glance and seem like an impenetrable jumble, we found our way around surprisingly well.

Marrakesch streetlife

Marrakesch Eingang Medina



Esel in Marrakesch










Katze in Marrakesch


13.00 – Break over the souks of Marrakech

Terrasse des Spices – 15, Souk Cherifia

But the hustle and bustle makes everyone gasp after a short breather in between. Numerous roof terraces form oases of peace directly above the bustling souks. Perfect for a little refreshment and a siesta. The Terrasse des Epices offers not only a stylish ambience and a great view, but also good, traditional cuisine. We ordered a tagine with beef and a salad with grilled vegetables (260 DH) – delicious!



15.00 – Oriental insights

Ben Youssef

The Koranic school Medersa Ben Youssef was once one of the most powerful places in the Islamic world. Today, the entrance is hard to find. We meet some wandering tourists who simply fail to catch the right turn. But it’s worth the search. The architecture, with its intricate mosaics, stuccoes, frescoes and carvings, is one of the most beautiful things to see in Marrakech. (Entrance fee 50 DH)

Marrakesch Schule






The medina is divided into a southern and northern part. Most of the classic sights are located in the southern part. The northern part offers glimpses of more traditional alleys behind the impressive Ben Youssef complex. However, there is also the danger that you are more likely to get into dicey situations – for example, we were “buttoned off” for 100 DH while looking for the Souk el Khemis.

17.00 – Marrakech in pictures

Close to the Ben Youssef Mosque is the Maison de la Photographie, which is also one of those welcome oases of peace in the old town. In the beautifully renovated riad, changing photographic works from Morocco are exhibited.

Marrakesch Maison de la Photography

19.00 – Hippes Guéliz

Despite all the oriental impressions within the medina, some people forget that there is also an interesting modern district outside the old town walls in Marrakech. The lively Guéliz district adjoins Avenue Mohammed V and surprises us with Zara and McDonald’s – to name the clichés. The district also invites you to stroll and linger with countless cafés and restaurants.

Le Grand Café de la Poste – Place du 16 Novembre

In one of the oldest buildings in this district, built in 1925, you will find the restaurant Le Grand Café de la Poste. With a skilfully staged décor reminiscent of the colonial era and a perfect service, a recommendable location for a contrasting program after a day filled with ancient palaces and historical stories.

If you don’t feel like a contrast in the sense of “if only then”, I recommend enjoying a traditional dinner in the romantic riad of the Maison Arabe (1, Derb Assehbé) instead. Unique ambience that makes the fairy tale of the Arabian Nights come true.


Note: My trip to Marrakech was supported by La Mamounia – thank you very much for this. As always, my readers can be sure that I always represent my views and enthusiasm here.

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