My Milan top spots

Almost exactly two years ago, it went “boom”. Milan blew me away. In a positive sense. The city, which in my head was a web of too many car exhaust fumes and crowds of people, turned out to be a colorful butterfly. A few weeks ago, I was all the more looking forward to finally spending an all-round relaxing day in the metropolis of northern Italy. Although, thanks to endearing tips from friends, the matter of “strolling through the alleys in a relaxed manner” was suddenly no longer so easy. I got so many great food tips that I could have spent the whole day in fantastic restaurants and street food stalls. That seemed a bit too exaggerated to me and so I directed my stroll through the city to the restaurants I wanted to aim for on the way.

Et voilà, so that you don’t get stuck in the first pizza shed next time, I’ve put together my current favorites for you here.

Corsican Como

Corso Como stretches between the Garibaldi train station, which is surrounded by futuristic high-rise buildings, and the venerable Porta Garibaldi. Here, cosy cafés and restaurants are lined up with chic boutiques. Especially for the male creatures there are a few quite formidable shops here.



If you are on foot, cross Viale Franseco Crispi and walk south towards Castello Sforzesco. Between Via Pontaccio, Via Fatebenefratelli, Via dei Giardini and Via Monte di Pietà is the Brera design district. Thanks to spacious pedestrian zones, small shops, pretty building facades and nice taverns, strolling here is particularly fun. My wallet was inspired by the ambience and, poof, treated myself to a new pair of sunglasses.


Taglio – Via Vigevano, 10

For lunch, we took the metro a little further south. Shops and restaurants at the same time, the Taglio exudes an authentic flair and is within easy walking distance of the Porta Genova metro station (M2). As you can see, they have both classic Risotto Milanese and soldie Buger well under control.



Grom – z.B Via S. Margherita 16 

In the afternoon, it is best to rest in a piazza or in one of the many green oases. Not without gelati, of course. At the legendary Grom (various locations in Milano) there are definitely the best. Why? Because the Italians are queuing up here and the chocolate ice cream really tastes like the purest chocolate. Two balls are available for 3 euros, three balls cost 3.50 euros.



Duomo of Milan

Just before the sun disappears behind the horizon, it bathes Milan in a golden light. The beautiful atmosphere can be admired on the roof terrace of the cathedral. Some people spend the whole day here high above the hustle and bustle of the surrounding shopping streets with a book or a sketchpad and watch the hustle and bustle of everyday life from a distance. The terrace closes at 6:30 p.m. The last tickets will be sold at 18:00. We’ve maxed it out to the minute.

Mailand Duomo








Temakinho – Ripa di Porta Ticinese 37

Sushi with caipirinha and Brazilian beer. At first, I was confused that a Portuguese-inspired menu awaited me in a sushi restaurant. Interestingly, Brazil has one of the largest Japanese communities and therefore a long sushi tradition. It is precisely from this tradition that today’s trendy restaurant Temakinho was born and enjoys great popularity. We were lucky enough to get one of the last tables without a reservation. Although, along the Navigli, the choice of nice restaurants is almost limitless. But I can warmly recommend a visit to Temakinho. The food is fantastic!

The temakis are available from 6 euros, the sushi rolls from 12 euros and the caipirinhas are available in various variations for 8 euros.






Note: My trip through Lombardy took place as part of the #blogville project and was supported by the Regione Lombardia – thank you very much for this. As always, my readers can be sure that I always represent my views and enthusiasm here.

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