Sony RX100 and the winter wonderland
The camera is, so to speak, my best friend on trips and excursions. In addition to a really great DSLR Canon D600, I always have a compact camera in my handbag. Now you might ask yourself why you have to “carry” a compact camera with you when you have the SLR camera on the one hand and the mobile phone on the other, which is also sufficient for snapshots (although my Xperia can’t quite keep up with the Iphone photo quality).
I like the compact camera as a second camera for the following reasons:
- Practical camera to take with you, fits in any handbag
- Versatile for sports activities (snorkeling, etc.)
- Much less flashy than the DSLR (especially in street photography)
- Decent replacement in case of DSLR failure
Since my Sony Cyper-shot had been around for a few years now, I replaced it with a new model a few weeks ago. When researching models, I found out that compact cameras are rather “frowned upon” – along the lines of: “It can’t do more than a mobile phone, at least buy a system camera”. Sure, I thought about buying a system camera instead of the compact camera. In the end, however, I decided to use the Sony Cyber-shot RX100 compact camera, because it can do more than you think and is cheaper than system cameras!
With a weight of just under 250 grams, the RX100 has a sensor with a size of 8.8 x 13.2 mm and achieves a resolution of 20 megapixels. The abundance of setting options, scene selection options and exposure options is enormous. I’m still putting the camera through its paces. As an interim conclusion, overwhelming satisfaction with the purchase can be stated.
Last weekend I took the camera with me on my trip to the Bernese Alps and tried out the panorama mode on the way. I think the pictures are quite good, even if some slight blurring is recognizable, but this could also be due to the too jerky panning.
What do you think of the pictures and what are your experiences with compact cameras?
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