Jardin Japonais Nendaz: beautiful autumn hike in Valais
Advertisement: this article was produced in cooperation with the Japan Tourist Board (JNTO) Stone, moss, water and tree – four elements that should not be missing in Japanese gar
Lötschberger Südrampe hike: along the Suonen to Ausserberg
Advertising: this article was produced in cooperation with BLS Magnificent views over the Rhône Valley, a varied terrain with deeply cut side valleys and impressive engineering bu
Hotel de Londres – at home in Brig
How many times have I passed through or changed trains at Brig station? Dozens of times. How many times have I walked the few meters along the Bahnhofstrasse towards the old town o
Bisse du Ro – Suonen hike from Lac de Tseuzier to Crans Montana
Bisse hikes are attractive in the current weather conditions. The refreshing water bubbles happily next to the hiking trail and provides a pleasantly cool breeze. On our trip to Cr