Which Mediterranean island would it be?

The summer holidays are just around the corner and my Instagram feed is full of pictures of white sandy beaches, azure sea water, cocktails and brightly colored toenails.

In my family, it was always clear that the summer was spent in Switzerland. We also have beautiful beach resorts, cool rivers, city beach bars with cocktails and warm flip-flop days. Beach holidays were available either in spring or autumn to prolong the summer feeling. So far, I have continued this tradition and brought my beach days forward the last two years in Florida and the Caribbean. This year it was a bit too short with two days on the Adriatic coast. That’s why I feel an irrepressible desire to fly to a Mediterranean island for a few days just like that. They have been clearly neglected in my previous travels. I have been to Corsica once and to Cyprus five times. All the other classics, which you have probably already “rattled off” a long time ago, are completely new territory for me.

But, the Mediterranean islands in summer is not so easy. Firstly, it feels like half of Europe flies to the Mediterranean, which means that prices take on very cheeky dimensions. Second, where am I supposed to go? And thirdly: what is the best accommodation – the 0815 hotel directly on the crowded beach, an agriturismo in the hills, the expensive finca with sea views or AirBnB? So to speak, the total overload.

Three days ago, I asked on Twitter what your favorite Mediterranean island is. Result: Mallorca, Sardinia or any Greek island. That’s pretty much what I had in mind, although my secret favorite is Elba (the only difficulty here: the somewhat awkward accessibility… There must have been a good reason why Napoleon was sent into exile there… ;)).

The obsession has formed in my head that this year I will stay away from the August 1st celebrations for once and use the holiday for a long weekend at the beach. At the moment, Mallorca (the beautiful pictures of @manuel_dalmau really make you want to visit the island), Sardinia (where is the most beautiful beach?), Elba (long and expensive one-way journey), Rhodes and the postcard island of Santorini are still in the running.

Mallorca | Allrounderin


Sardinien | 50 shades of blue


Elba | in exile


Rhodes | Colossal


Santorini | Postkartenmotiv


What would you recommend? Do you go to the beach in the summer or do you prefer the low season? Do you know any cheap small hotels on one of the islands? Or maybe you have a completely different favorite island? Please, share all your insider tips. I’m completely overwhelmed! :)

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