Travel snapshot – Boston in 360° view
“$15 for a bit of a view! Aren’t they completely tight?!” At full volume, the American wearing a Red Sox fan shirt was annoyed by the high entrance fees to the Sk
Travel snapshot – beach time
Salou is said to resemble the Ballermann beaches on Mallorca in midsummer. That’s what I was told. Well, we definitely didn’t meet too many people on this first weekend
Photo Essay – around the world with the waves
Oh yes, I like the sea, the waves and especially the sound of the sea. Falling asleep to the sound of the sea is one of those things that is really hard to top and for which I have
My most beautiful sunset – Tamarindo
Since the sun is so rarely visiting us at the moment, I’m giving you virtual sunshine today. And no, not just any sunshine, but one of my most beautiful sunsets ever. Althoug
Travel snapshot – Hello Sand(e)man
No, this is not an advertisement, although it might seem like it. As we strolled through the beautiful streets of Porto, Zorro suddenly appeared before my eyes. Yes, indeed, there
This is how Portugal washes
If you follow me on my travels on Instagram, you will have already seen one or the other picture that I show you here. I spent five days in beautiful but unusually cold Portugal ov
Travel snapshot – hidden beauties
If you go on a city trip, you will have to make a selection of the sights to visit (unless you are in the same place for more than a week). You often have to choose between museums
Beyond the horizon
Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road Dag Hammarskjöld Why do I travel? Why
Travel Snapshot – Best of Florida
Two times Florida and still not enough – that’s what I’m doing right now. I’ve been to the Sunshine State twice now, but still haven’t seen everything. To
Architecture tour of the French Quarter of New Orleans
New Orleans was a real architectural magic box for me – and not only in the French Quarter. If I had had an analogue camera with me, my first film would probably have been ov
Galata Kulesi – Galata Tower in Beyoglu
As always, when I visit a city, I first have to get an overview from above. This is also the case in Istanbul. One of the best 360° panoramic views far over the city is offered by
Sanibel Island Dream
The dream of Sanibel Island can be bought with 6 dollars, which is how much the bridge toll from Fort Myers to the offshore dream island, which is known for beautiful beaches and o