InstaTrip – Oman square

Back from the holidays, everything is going fast at the moment. Interviews, jury enquiries, lecture preparations, various photo projects and, of course, daily work. But I haven’t even processed all the great impressions from our 10-day trip to Oman. The next few weeks will definitely be exciting and I’m looking forward to finally being able to report on one or the other upcoming project shortly. Until then, more than 600 Oman pictures and many related tips are waiting on the hard drive to be shared and told here. But before that, I’d like to show you my Instagram pictures, all of which I took with my smartphone.

I’ve been on the road with the Samsung Galaxy S6 for almost a year now. Previously, I had the waterproof Sony Xperia Z. My most important criterion when choosing a smartphone and switching to Samsung was the camera quality, which was more convincing with the Samsung Galaxy S6. That’s why I’m looking forward to the feedback from the friend who took part in the product launch of the new P9 smartphone today at the invitation of Huawei. The exciting feature of this new product is the 12 megapixel dual camera with an initial aperture of f/2.2, developed in collaboration with Leica. This is supposed to be able to create depth of field. In addition, the images can be exported in RAW. I’m curious to see what the first test images will look like and how the handling and image quality will compare to the Samsung camera.














I’m co-hosting the #igTravelThursday blog project. Would you like to join us? Here’s how to do it: 1. Write a blog post about Instagram and travel – 2. Add a link to one of the #igTravelThursday hosts – 3. Add your blog post above (articles written up to and including April 30, 2016) – You can find more information on the IGTravelThursday explanation page.

Are you active on Instagram? Tag your travel photos every Thursday with the hashtag #igTravelThursday and become part of the project. You can find me on Instagram here: travelita

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