Top tips and sights for your short trip to Strasbourg
The train journey from Basel to Strasbourg takes just over an hour. Reason enough to pay a visit to the European capital in Alsace. Be it during the Marché de Noël de Strasbourg
Bicycle tour through Strasbourg
Strasbourg can be discovered in many different ways. During our trip, we tested some means of transport for their sightseeing suitability and of course did not leave out the bike.
Strasbourg – Batorama Tour
The historic old town of Strasbourg is located on the “Grande île”, which is surrounded by two Illarms (Ill is the name of the river). For this reason, water is an omn
Eating in Alsace
If you are not a vegetarian and like to have “hearty” cuisine, you will get your money’s worth in Alsace. I would like to show you where and what I ate. Of course
Green Alsace
Last week in Alsace I saw some nice alternative urban greening variants, which I don’t want to withhold from you. Especially in the old town of Strasbourg there are some beau
City-Trip Handbag – handbag for city trips
I spent the last 10 days in Paris and then in Alsace, mainly in Strasbourg. We traveled to Paris by TGV, as this is really a quick and comfortable travel option from Switzerland. N