Bergpanorama Alp Flix

Winter tip: Off to Alp Flix

This blog will celebrate its 12th anniversary this year. Actually, you would think that writing blog posts would get easier from year to year. But I find the opposite. The more I become aware of how many people browse here for excursion ideas and follow my tips, the more trouble it is for me to quickly write a new blog article. “Do I even have enough material for a “good” blog post?” “Shouldn’t we have done more? What is the added value for those who read the article?” The carousel of thoughts sends its regards.

And so it happens that some material from excursions and travels from last year is still temporarily stored “unblogged” on a hard drive. This also includes this detour to Alp Flix, which we made in February 2023. But since I have received some questions about ideas for two-day snowshoe hikes in the last few weeks (and the very attentive among you said: “Haven’t you ever been to Alp Flix in winter? But I can’t find anything about it on your blog…»), it’s time to dedicate a short, crisp blog post to at least this one excursion. Even though the snow conditions were anything but ideal at the time, we have fond memories of this short break on the beautifully remote Alp Flix.

Alp Flix in winter

The plateau of Alp Flix is located above the village of Sur in Oberhalbstein in Graubünden between Tiefencastel and Julier Pass. In winter, Alp Flix can only be reached from Sur (or Bivio) on foot or with snowshoes. And that’s exactly what makes it so appealing. The walk from Sur to Alp Flix takes a good hour. The tarred road, which serves as the main feeder road to Alp Flix in summer, is covered by a toboggan run in winter. If you don’t have a toboggan, you can rent one at the Berghaus Piz Platta. Alternatively, there is also a 7-kilometre-long snowshoe circular hike from Sur, which leads past the Piz Platta mountain hut.

Berghaus Piz Platta – a hideaway for connoisseurs

Now, of course, you can plan a day trip to Alp Flix or – and this would be my hot tip – check in for a night at the Berghaus Piz Platta. In the Berghaus Piz Platta you can expect comfortable, homely twin and quadruple rooms with integrated shower/WC. The highlight, however, is the ambitious 4-course menu, which overnight guests can enjoy with the appropriate advance notice. The young host couple Mary and Tobi know how to spoil connoisseurs with surprising creations. The wine list is also impressive!

Berghaus Piz Platta Alp Flix

We didn’t take any photos of the dinner – but believe us, this is definitely one of the reasons why we can warmly recommend a trip to Alp Flix in general and especially to the Berghaus Piz Platta.

Snowshoe hike over the Kanonensattel

The good cuisine of the Piz Platta also had a significant influence on our snowshoe plans the following morning. Originally, we wanted to hike from the Berghaus over the Kanonensattel to Bivio. We had already taken a look at the menu of the day when we arrived the day before and regretted that we couldn’t try any of it. Without further ado, it is decided to convert our long-distance hike into a crisp circular hike. The perfect opportunity to stop for a bite to eat on the sun terrace of Piz Platta on the way back and still enjoy something from the day’s menu. We then covered the last part back to Sur with the rented sled.

Schneeschuhtour auf der Alp Flix

Panorama Alp Flix

Schneeschuhtour auf der Alp Flix

Mit den Schneeschuhen zum Berghaus Piz Platta

A decision we haven’t regretted for a second!

Key data of the snowshoe tour Alp Flix – Kanonensattel – Alp Flix

The following map shows the route. Please note that the Tigias – Kanonensattel – Alp Natons section is not a signposted snowshoe route. The best thing to do is to inquire about the snow conditions directly at the Berghaus Piz Platta. Away from the secured paths, you should also always carry an avalanche transceiver with you and be familiar with the basic knowledge of how to use it.

It took us about 2.5 hours for the circular hike. Keep in mind that the time required depends heavily on the snow conditions, among other things. If there is fresh snow (no track), the ascent to the Kanonensattel can be physically demanding.

From Alp Natons, a 6-kilometre-long signposted snowshoe trail leads further down the valley to Bivio. You can find the corresponding route description here: Alp Natons Snowshoe Trail (575). The route description for the circular hike from Sur to Alp Flix and back (circular hike) can also be found on Switzerland Mobil.

Practical tips for your winter trip to Alp Flix

  • In winter, the Berghaus Piz Platta can only be reached on foot or with snowshoes. However, the Berghaus team offers luggage transport for overnight guests.
  • In the 2024 winter season, Berghaus Piz Platta will be open from Friday to Sunday until mid-March. Hot and cold meals are served during the day between 11:30 and 15:00. For overnight guests, there is a 4-course surprise menu on Friday and Saturday evenings.
  • In the winter season, an overnight stay in a double room including 4-course dinner and breakfast costs 180 CHF per person. Reservations can only be made by e-mail (see website for address).
  • It takes a good hour on foot from the post bus stop in Sur to the Piz Platta mountain lodge (approx. 3 kilometres and 390 metres uphill).
  • In addition to winter hiking, tobogganing and snowshoeing, Alp Flix is also a popular starting point for ski tours.
  • The toboggans for the descent can be rented at the Berghaus Piz Platta for 10 CHF per toboggan. Since there are only 20 sleds available, a reservation is advantageous.

You can find more ideas for special places to stay in winter in this blog post.

ps. I’m looking forward to your feedback on how you like this shortened form of blog posts:)

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